Art/Crafts (AR):
Better Homes and Gardens. Patchwork Quilting.
Better Homes and Gardens. Patchwork Quilting.
Curry, Barbara A. Okay, I’ll Do It Myself!
Isaak, Jo Anna. Feminism and Contemporary Art.
Isaak, Jo Anna. Feminism and Contemporary Art.
McCormick, Dale. Against the Grain: A Carpentry Manual for Women.
Peterson and Wilson. Women Artists.
Fiction/Poetry (FP):
Acker, Kathy. My Mother: Demonology, a novel.
Aldridge, Sara. Tottie: A Tale of the Sixties.
Baranskaya, Natalya. A Week Like Any Other.
Beresford-Howe, Constance. The Book of Eve.
Bloch,Alice . The Law of Return.
Braxton and McLaughlin. Wild Women in the Whirlwind.
Bryant, Dorthy. The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You.
Buck, Pearll S. Hearts Come Home and other stories.
Buck,Pearl S. The Three Daughters of Madame Liang.
Bukovinsky, Janet. Women of Words.
Butler , Octavia. Parable of the Sower.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman.
Cather, Willa. My Antonia.
Cather, Willa. Shadows on the Rock.
Chester , Laura and Barba, Sharon. Rising Tides.
Chopin, Kate. The Awakening.
Croft, Eve. Brainchild.
De Monteflores, Carmen. Cantando Bajito.
El Saadawi, Nawal. God Dies by theNile .
Eliot, George. Middlemarch.
Felt, Margaret. Daughters of the Land.
Fischer, Barbara. Breathing Room.
Flannagan, Mary. The Blue Woman.
Friday,Nancy . Forbidden Flowers.
Grahn, Judy. Edward the Dyke and other Poems.
Grekova,I. Russian Women: Two Stories.
Guy.Rosa . Ruby.
Hall, Sandi. The Godmothers.
Hamilton, Jane. The Book of Ruth.
Harries, Bertha. Lover.
Harris, Bertha. Confessions of Cherubino.
Hoffman,Nancy and Howe, Florerice. Women Working.
Hossain, Rokeya Sakhawat. Sultana’s Dream.
Kidd, Monk Sue. The Secret Life of Bees
Koolish, Lynda. Journeys on the Lining.
Lallo. Into a Pegaus Dream.
Lalo. Mia Nonna.
Lamb, Myrna. The Mod Donna and Scyklom Z.
LeGuin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness.
Lessing, Poris. Martha Quest.
Livia, Anna. Relatively Norma.
Madison , Soyini D. The Woman That I Am.
Marshall, Paule. Daughters.
Martz, Sandra. If I Had a Hammer.
Mary, Sheila. Twelve is a Lucky Number.
Morrison, Toni. Sula.
Mukherjee, Bharati. Jasmine.
Mulford, Wendy. Love Poems by Women.
Mullett, G.M. Spider Women Stories.
Naylor, Gloria. The Women ofBrewster Place .
Nicolson, Nigel. Portrait of a Marriage.
Noble, Hollister. Women with a Sord.
O’Connor, Flannery. Everthing that Rises must Converge.
O’Connor, Flannery. Three Books.
Oates, Joyce Carol. Wonderland.
Oliver, Maria-Antonia.Antipodes .
Pickering-Iazzi, Robin. Unspeakable Women.
Portland Women’s Center. Openings.
Post, Mary Brinker and Jordan, Annie. A Novel ofSeattle .
Rich, Adrienne. Sources.
Shields, Carol. The Stone Diaries.
Shulman, Alix Kates. Burning Questions.
Silko, Leslie Marmon. Storyteller.
Solomon, Barbara H. The Experience of the American Woman.
Sullivan , Victoria and Hatch, James. Plays by and About Women.
Taylor, Joanna. Literary Ladies.
Toder, Nancy. Choices.
Warner, Carolyn. The Last Word.
Welty, Eudora. The Wide Net.
Wharton, Edith. The Age of Innocence.
Wilson, Anna. Cactus.
Wilson, Barbara. The Dog Collar Murders.
Woolf , Virginia . A Room of One’s Own.
Woolf , Virginia . The Second Common Reader.
Wright, Sarah E. This Child’s Gonna Live.
Zahara, Irene. Through Others Eyes.
Zimmerman, Toni Orther. Women in Search of Herself.
1995 Students of Color Anthology: No Explanations, No Apologies.
1997 Students of Color Anthology: Guerrilla Voices.
Biography/Memoir (BM):
Barnes, John. Evita: First Lady.
Barreno, Maria Isabel, Horta, Maria Teresa and DeCosta, Maria Velho. The ThreeMarias .
Bell, Quentin. Virginia Woolf.
Bengis, Ingrid. Combat in the Erogenous Zone.
Berry , R. Carmen and Tamara Traeder. Girlfriends.
Blackman, Margaret B. During My Time:Florence Edenshaw Davison. A Haida Woman.
Bogan, Louise and Limmer, Ruth. Journey Around My Room.
Brazell, Karean. The Confessions of Lady Nijo.
Church, Peggy Pond. The House atOtoni Bridge .
Conlon, Faith, Emerick, Ingrid and Henry, Christina. A Women Alone: Travel Tales From Around the Globe.
De Beauvoir, Simone. A Very Easy Death.
De Mille, Agnes. Martha: The Life and Work of Martha Graham.
De Negro, Giovanna. Looking Through My Mother’s Eyes.
Delany, Sara L. and Delany, A. Elizabeth. Having Our Say.
Flemming, Amalia. A Piece of the Truth.
Forest , Eva . From a Spanish Jail.
Frank, Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl.
Graham, Martha. Blood Memory.
Hewitt, Leah D. Autobiographical Tightropes.
Jefferson, Lara. These are my Sisters.
Kingston , Maxine Hong. The Woman Warrior.
Kunkel, Georgie Bright. Color Me Feminist.
Larsen, Wendy Wilder and Nga, Tran Thi. ShallowGraves .
Lazarre, Jane. Beyond the Whiteness of Whiteness
Malcolm, Janet. The Silent Women.
Mashinini, Emma. Strikes Have Followed Me All My Life.
Mellibovsky, Matlde. Circle of Love Over Death.
Middlebrook, W. Diane. Annie Sexton.
Millett, Kate. Flying.
Mores, Ellen. Literary Women.
Myron,Nancy and Brunch, Charlotte . Women Remembered.
Noble, R. Joan. Virginia Woolf by Her Contemporaries.
Okely, Judith. Simone De Beauvoir.
Peterson, Brenda. Nature and Other Mothers.
Pilgrim, Peace. Peace Pilgrim.
Scheffler, A. Judith. Wall Tappings.
Stine, Gertrude. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas.
Stine. Gertrude. Everybody’s Autobiography.
Tanner B. Leslie. Voices From Women’s Liberation.
Taylor, Kathryn. Generations of Denial.
Wilson, Ellen. Margaret Fuller.
International Women’s Studies (WI):
Albrecht, Lisa and Brewer, Rose M. Bridges of Power.
Badran, Margot. Opening the Gates: An Anthology of Arab Feminist Writing
Barrios De Chungara, Domitila. Let Me Speak.
Basu, Amrita. The Challenge of Local Feminists.
Bluh, Bonnie Charles. Women to Women.
Bouvard, Marguerite Guzman. Revolutionizing Motherhood.
Bronstein, Audrey. The Tripple Struggle.
Brydon, Lynne and Chant, Sylvia. Women in theThird World .
Busby, Margaret. Daughters ofAfrica .
Cornelisen, Ann. Women of the Shadows.
Davies, Miranda.Third World Second Sex.
Ehrenreich, Barbara and Hochschild, Arlie Russell. Global Women.
Fraser , Virginia . A Book About Australian Women.
Hayton-Keeva, Sally. Valiant Women in War and Exile.
Henderson, Peta and Houghton, Ann Bryn. Life Stories of Belizean Women.
Jelin, Elizabeth. Women and Social Change inLatin America .
Kanaanch, Rhoda Ann. Birthing the Nation.
Latifa. My Forbidden Face: Growing Up Under the Taliban: A Young Women’s Story.
Hus, Ling Vivian. Born of the Same Roots: Stories of Modern Chinese Women.
Latin American Perspectives. Women and Class Struggle.
Latin American Perspectives. Women in Revolution, Population, and Imperialism.
Mohanty, Talpade Chandra. Feminism Without Borders.
Peterson and Wilson. Women Artists.
Fiction/Poetry (FP):
Acker, Kathy. My Mother: Demonology, a novel.
Aldridge, Sara. Tottie: A Tale of the Sixties.
Baranskaya, Natalya. A Week Like Any Other.
Beresford-Howe, Constance. The Book of Eve.
Braxton and McLaughlin. Wild Women in the Whirlwind.
Bryant, Dorthy. The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You.
Buck, Pearll S. Hearts Come Home and other stories.
Bukovinsky, Janet. Women of Words.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman.
Cather, Willa. My Antonia.
Cather, Willa. Shadows on the Rock.
Chopin, Kate. The Awakening.
Croft, Eve. Brainchild.
De Monteflores, Carmen. Cantando Bajito.
El Saadawi, Nawal. God Dies by the
Eliot, George. Middlemarch.
Felt, Margaret. Daughters of the Land.
Fischer, Barbara. Breathing Room.
Flannagan, Mary. The Blue Woman.
Grahn, Judy. Edward the Dyke and other Poems.
Hall, Sandi. The Godmothers.
Hamilton, Jane. The Book of Ruth.
Harries, Bertha. Lover.
Harris, Bertha. Confessions of Cherubino.
Hossain, Rokeya Sakhawat. Sultana’s Dream.
Kidd, Monk Sue. The Secret Life of Bees
Koolish, Lynda. Journeys on the Lining.
Lallo. Into a Pegaus Dream.
Lalo. Mia Nonna.
Lamb, Myrna. The Mod Donna and Scyklom Z.
LeGuin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness.
Lessing, Poris. Martha Quest.
Livia, Anna. Relatively Norma.
Marshall, Paule. Daughters.
Martz, Sandra. If I Had a Hammer.
Mary, Sheila. Twelve is a Lucky Number.
Morrison, Toni. Sula.
Mukherjee, Bharati. Jasmine.
Mulford, Wendy. Love Poems by Women.
Mullett, G.M. Spider Women Stories.
Naylor, Gloria. The Women of
Nicolson, Nigel. Portrait of a Marriage.
Noble, Hollister. Women with a Sord.
O’Connor, Flannery. Everthing that Rises must Converge.
O’Connor, Flannery. Three Books.
Oates, Joyce Carol. Wonderland.
Oliver, Maria-Antonia.
Pickering-Iazzi, Robin. Unspeakable Women.
Portland Women’s Center. Openings.
Post, Mary Brinker and Jordan, Annie. A Novel of
Rich, Adrienne. Sources.
Shields, Carol. The Stone Diaries.
Shulman, Alix Kates. Burning Questions.
Silko, Leslie Marmon. Storyteller.
Solomon, Barbara H. The Experience of the American Woman.
Taylor, Joanna. Literary Ladies.
Toder, Nancy. Choices.
Warner, Carolyn. The Last Word.
Welty, Eudora. The Wide Net.
Wharton, Edith. The Age of Innocence.
Wilson, Anna. Cactus.
Wilson, Barbara. The Dog Collar Murders.
Wright, Sarah E. This Child’s Gonna Live.
Zahara, Irene. Through Others Eyes.
Zimmerman, Toni Orther. Women in Search of Herself.
1995 Students of Color Anthology: No Explanations, No Apologies.
1997 Students of Color Anthology: Guerrilla Voices.
Biography/Memoir (BM):
Barnes, John. Evita: First Lady.
Barreno, Maria Isabel, Horta, Maria Teresa and DeCosta, Maria Velho. The Three
Bell, Quentin. Virginia Woolf.
Bengis, Ingrid. Combat in the Erogenous Zone.
Blackman, Margaret B. During My Time:
Bogan, Louise and Limmer, Ruth. Journey Around My Room.
Brazell, Karean. The Confessions of Lady Nijo.
Church, Peggy Pond. The House at
Conlon, Faith, Emerick, Ingrid and Henry, Christina. A Women Alone: Travel Tales From Around the Globe.
De Beauvoir, Simone. A Very Easy Death.
De Mille, Agnes. Martha: The Life and Work of Martha Graham.
De Negro, Giovanna. Looking Through My Mother’s Eyes.
Delany, Sara L. and Delany, A. Elizabeth. Having Our Say.
Flemming, Amalia. A Piece of the Truth.
Frank, Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl.
Graham, Martha. Blood Memory.
Hewitt, Leah D. Autobiographical Tightropes.
Jefferson, Lara. These are my Sisters.
Kunkel, Georgie Bright. Color Me Feminist.
Larsen, Wendy Wilder and Nga, Tran Thi. Shallow
Lazarre, Jane. Beyond the Whiteness of Whiteness
Malcolm, Janet. The Silent Women.
Mashinini, Emma. Strikes Have Followed Me All My Life.
Mellibovsky, Matlde. Circle of Love Over Death.
Middlebrook, W. Diane. Annie Sexton.
Millett, Kate. Flying.
Mores, Ellen. Literary Women.
Noble, R. Joan. Virginia Woolf by Her Contemporaries.
Okely, Judith. Simone De Beauvoir.
Peterson, Brenda. Nature and Other Mothers.
Pilgrim, Peace. Peace Pilgrim.
Scheffler, A. Judith. Wall Tappings.
Stine, Gertrude. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas.
Stine. Gertrude. Everybody’s Autobiography.
Tanner B. Leslie. Voices From Women’s Liberation.
Taylor, Kathryn. Generations of Denial.
Wilson, Ellen. Margaret Fuller.
International Women’s Studies (WI):
Albrecht, Lisa and Brewer, Rose M. Bridges of Power.
Badran, Margot. Opening the Gates: An Anthology of Arab Feminist Writing
Barrios De Chungara, Domitila. Let Me Speak.
Basu, Amrita. The Challenge of Local Feminists.
Bluh, Bonnie Charles. Women to Women.
Bouvard, Marguerite Guzman. Revolutionizing Motherhood.
Bronstein, Audrey. The Tripple Struggle.
Brydon, Lynne and Chant, Sylvia. Women in the
Busby, Margaret. Daughters of
Cornelisen, Ann. Women of the Shadows.
Davies, Miranda.
Ehrenreich, Barbara and Hochschild, Arlie Russell. Global Women.
Hayton-Keeva, Sally. Valiant Women in War and Exile.
Henderson, Peta and Houghton, Ann Bryn. Life Stories of Belizean Women.
Jelin, Elizabeth. Women and Social Change in
Kanaanch, Rhoda Ann. Birthing the Nation.
Latifa. My Forbidden Face: Growing Up Under the Taliban: A Young Women’s Story.
Hus, Ling Vivian. Born of the Same Roots: Stories of Modern Chinese Women.
Latin American Perspectives. Women and Class Struggle.
Latin American Perspectives. Women in Revolution, Population, and Imperialism.
Mohanty, Talpade Chandra. Feminism Without Borders.
Moi, Toril. French Feminist Thought.
Feminist/Women’s Studies (FW):
Adams, Carol J. Neither Man nor Beast.
Alexander, Maxine. Speaking for Ourselves.
Anzaldua, Glora. Making Face, Making Soul.
Atkinson, Ti-Grace. Amazon Odessey.
Feminist/Women’s Studies (FW):
Adams, Carol J. Neither Man nor Beast.
Alexander, Maxine. Speaking for Ourselves.
Anzaldua, Glora. Making Face, Making Soul.
Atkinson, Ti-Grace. Amazon Odessey.
Barreca, Regina . They Used to Call Me Snow White…But I Drifted.
Barrett, Michele. Women’s Oppression Today.
Beasley, Chris. What is Feminism.
Belenky, Chinchy, Goldberger and Janle. Women’s Ways of Knowing.
Blieir, Ruth. Feminist Approaches to Science.
Barrett, Michele. Women’s Oppression Today.
Beasley, Chris. What is Feminism.
Belenky, Chinchy, Goldberger and Janle. Women’s Ways of Knowing.
Blieir, Ruth. Feminist Approaches to Science.
Brown, Rita May. Starting From Scratch: A Different Kind of Writers’ Manual.
Case, Sue-Ellen. Feminism and Theater.
Chesler, phyllis. Letters to Young Feminsits.
Cho, Margaret. I’m the One that I Want.
Cole, Johnnetta B. All American Women.
Coles, Robert and Coles, Jan Hallowell. Women of Crisis II.
Case, Sue-Ellen. Feminism and Theater.
Chesler, phyllis. Letters to Young Feminsits.
Cho, Margaret. I’m the One that I Want.
Cole, Johnnetta B. All American Women.
Coles, Robert and Coles, Jan Hallowell. Women of Crisis II.
Crenshaw, Kimberle. Critical Race Theory.
Condit, Deirdre M. Feminist Theory.
Davis, Barbra Hillyer. Feminist Education.
Davis, Elizabeth Gould. The First Sex.
De Beauvoir Simone. The Coming of Age.
Digby, Tom. Men Doing Feminism.
Dorenkamp, McClymer, Moynihan and Vadum. Images of Women.
DuBois, Kelly, Kennedy, Korsmeyer and Robinson. Feminist Scholarship.
Dworkin, Andrea. Letters From a War Zone.
Edwards, Lee R., Heath, Mary and Baskin, Lisa. Women: An Issue.
Eisenstein, Hester. Contemporary Feminist Thought.
Eisenstein, Zilbah R. Feminism and Sexual equality.
Ensler, Eve. The Vagina Mnologues.
Erens, Patricia. Issues in Feminist Film Critisim.
French, Marilyn. Beyond Power.
French, Marilyn. The War Against Women.
Fried B. Biological Women: The Convenient Myth.
Goldman, Emma. The Traffic in Women.
Hagan, Kay Leigh. Women Respond to the Men’s Movement.
Harding, Sandra. Feminism and Methodology.
Harding, Sandra. The Science Question in Feminism.
Hooks, Bell. Ain’t I a Women
Jervis, Lisa and Andi Zeisler. Bitchfest.
Lermer, Gerda. The Creation of Feminist Consciousness.
Levy, Ariel. Female Chauvinist Pigs.
Luke, Helen M. The Way of Woman.
Condit, Deirdre M. Feminist Theory.
Davis, Barbra Hillyer. Feminist Education.
Davis, Elizabeth Gould. The First Sex.
De Beauvoir Simone. The Coming of Age.
Digby, Tom. Men Doing Feminism.
Dorenkamp, McClymer, Moynihan and Vadum. Images of Women.
DuBois, Kelly, Kennedy, Korsmeyer and Robinson. Feminist Scholarship.
Dworkin, Andrea. Letters From a War Zone.
Edwards, Lee R., Heath, Mary and Baskin, Lisa. Women: An Issue.
Eisenstein, Hester. Contemporary Feminist Thought.
Eisenstein, Zilbah R. Feminism and Sexual equality.
Ensler, Eve. The Vagina Mnologues.
Erens, Patricia. Issues in Feminist Film Critisim.
French, Marilyn. Beyond Power.
French, Marilyn. The War Against Women.
Fried B. Biological Women: The Convenient Myth.
Goldman, Emma. The Traffic in Women.
Hagan, Kay Leigh. Women Respond to the Men’s Movement.
Harding, Sandra. Feminism and Methodology.
Harding, Sandra. The Science Question in Feminism.
Hooks, Bell. Ain’t I a Women
Jervis, Lisa and Andi Zeisler. Bitchfest.
Lermer, Gerda. The Creation of Feminist Consciousness.
Levy, Ariel. Female Chauvinist Pigs.
Luke, Helen M. The Way of Woman.
Marcic, Dorothy. Respect: Women and Popular Music.
Martinez , Elizabeth . DeColores Means All of Us.
Mill, John Stewart and Harriett Taylor Mill. The Subjection of Women and Enfranchisement of Women.
Miner, Valerie and Helen E. Longrinio. Competition.
Moraga , Cherrie, and Gloria Anzaldua. This Bridge Called My Back.
Morgan, Robin. The Anatomy of Freedom.
Nicholson, Linda J. Feminism/postmodernism.
Reed, Evelyn. Problems in Women’s Liberation.
Roth, Benita. Separate Roads to Feminism.
Sidel, Ruth. Women and Children Last.
Smith, Barbara. Towards a Black Feminist Critism.
Sommers, Christina Hoff. Who Stole Feminism.
Spradley and Mann. The Cocktail Waitress.
Steinem, Gloria. Moving Beyond Words.
Steinem, Goria. Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions.
Travis, Carol. The Mismeasure of Women.
Tuana, Nancy and Rosemarie Tong. Feminism and Philosophy.
Wolf, Naomi. Fire with Fire.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Women.
Breaching the Peace.
Bridges: A Journal for Jewish Feminists and Our Friends.
Building Feminist Theory.
Heresies: Feminist Publication on Art and Politics.
Mill, John Stewart and Harriett Taylor Mill. The Subjection of Women and Enfranchisement of Women.
Miner, Valerie and Helen E. Longrinio. Competition.
Morgan, Robin. The Anatomy of Freedom.
Nicholson, Linda J. Feminism/postmodernism.
Reed, Evelyn. Problems in Women’s Liberation.
Roth, Benita. Separate Roads to Feminism.
Sidel, Ruth. Women and Children Last.
Smith, Barbara. Towards a Black Feminist Critism.
Sommers, Christina Hoff. Who Stole Feminism.
Spradley and Mann. The Cocktail Waitress.
Steinem, Gloria. Moving Beyond Words.
Steinem, Goria. Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions.
Travis, Carol. The Mismeasure of Women.
Tuana, Nancy and Rosemarie Tong. Feminism and Philosophy.
Wolf, Naomi. Fire with Fire.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Women.
Breaching the Peace.
Bridges: A Journal for Jewish Feminists and Our Friends.
Building Feminist Theory.
Heresies: Feminist Publication on Art and Politics.
Women in Distribution, Inc. Fall Preview 1997.
Women’s Studies Quarterly (5)
Women’s Studies Quarterly (5)
Natural Health (NH):
Pitchfor, Paul. Healing with Whole Foods.
Westcott, Patsy and Leyardia Black. Alternative Healthcare for Women.
Weed, Susan. Wise Women Herbal: Childbearing Years.
Natural Prescriptions for Women.
Journey Women: A Native Women’s Guide to Wellness.
General Health (GH):
Antonio, Gene. The AIDS Cover-Up.
Davis, Sherry Labed. Thriving after Breast Cancer.
Gage, Suzann. A New View of a Women’s Body.
Hein, Karen and Theresa Foy Digeronimo. AIDS.
Lauersen, Niels H. and Eileen Stukane. PMS.
Love, Susan. Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book.
Page, Jane. The Other Awkward Age.
Panem, Sandra. The AIDS bureaucracy.
The Boston Women’s Health Collective. Our Bodies, Ourselves.
Villarosa, Linda. Body and Sould.
Pregnancy (PG):
Eisenberg, Murkoff and Hathaway. What to Expect When You’re Expecting.
Hosken, Fran P. The Childbirth Picture Book.
Sha, Janet L. Mothers of Thyme.
Sloan, Louise. Knock Yourself Up.
Worthington , Vermeersch and Williams. Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation.
Sex (SX):
Barbach, Lonnie. Erotic Interludes.
Bass, Ellen and Laura Davis. The Courage to Heal.
Bright, Susie. Herotica.
Feldt, Gloria. Behind Every Choice is a Story.
Haines, Staci. Healing Sex.
Henley, Nancy M. Body Politics.
Jensen, Robert. Getting Off: Pornography and the end of Masculinity.
Lederer, Laura. Take Back the Night.
Newman, Felice. The Whole Lesbian Sex Book.
Sprinkle, Annie. Dr. Sprinkle’s Spectacular Sex.
General Health (GH):
Antonio, Gene. The AIDS Cover-Up.
Davis, Sherry Labed. Thriving after Breast Cancer.
Gage, Suzann. A New View of a Women’s Body.
Hein, Karen and Theresa Foy Digeronimo. AIDS.
Lauersen, Niels H. and Eileen Stukane. PMS.
Love, Susan. Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book.
Page, Jane. The Other Awkward Age.
Panem, Sandra. The AIDS bureaucracy.
The Boston Women’s Health Collective. Our Bodies, Ourselves.
Villarosa, Linda. Body and Sould.
Pregnancy (PG):
Eisenberg, Murkoff and Hathaway. What to Expect When You’re Expecting.
Hosken, Fran P. The Childbirth Picture Book.
Sha, Janet L. Mothers of Thyme.
Sloan, Louise. Knock Yourself Up.
Sex (SX):
Barbach, Lonnie. Erotic Interludes.
Bass, Ellen and Laura Davis. The Courage to Heal.
Bright, Susie. Herotica.
Feldt, Gloria. Behind Every Choice is a Story.
Haines, Staci. Healing Sex.
Henley, Nancy M. Body Politics.
Jensen, Robert. Getting Off: Pornography and the end of Masculinity.
Lederer, Laura. Take Back the Night.
Newman, Felice. The Whole Lesbian Sex Book.
Sprinkle, Annie. Dr. Sprinkle’s Spectacular Sex.
Mental Health (MH):
Chopra, Deepak. Restful Sleep.
Miller, Jean Baker. Towards a New Psychology of Women.
Stevens, Gwendol and Sheldon Gardner. The Women of Psychology (2).
Gender/Sexuality (GS):
Abbot, Sidney and Barbara Love. Sappho was a Right-On Women.
Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera.
Bailey, Beth L. From Porch to Back Seat.
Blumen-Lipman, Jean. Gender Roles and Power.
Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble.
Carter, Judy. The Homo Handbook.
Caplan, Paula J. and Caplan Jeremy B. Thinking Critically About Research on Sex and Gender.
Collins, Andrew. Fodor’s Gay Guide to the USA .
Del Valle, Teresa. Gendered Anthropology.
Eviota, Elizabeth Uy. The Political Economy of Gender.
Faderman, Lillian. Surpassing the Love of Men.
Fisher, Elizabeth. Women’s Creation: Sexual Evolution and the Shaping of Society.
Foucult, Michael. The History of Sexuality.
Friskopp, Annette and Sharon Silverstein. Straight Jobs, Gay Lives.
Heilbrun, Carolyn G. Towards a Recognition of Androgyny.
Jaggar, Alison M. and Susan R. Bordo. Gender/Body/Knowledge.
Kaplan, Alexandra G. and Joan P. Bean. Beyond Sex-Role Sterotypes.
Kirp, Yudof and Franks. Gender Justice.
Del Valle, Teresa. Gendered Anthropology.
Eviota, Elizabeth Uy. The Political Economy of Gender.
Faderman, Lillian. Surpassing the Love of Men.
Fisher, Elizabeth. Women’s Creation: Sexual Evolution and the Shaping of Society.
Foucult, Michael. The History of Sexuality.
Friskopp, Annette and Sharon Silverstein. Straight Jobs, Gay Lives.
Heilbrun, Carolyn G. Towards a Recognition of Androgyny.
Jaggar, Alison M. and Susan R. Bordo. Gender/Body/Knowledge.
Kaplan, Alexandra G. and Joan P. Bean. Beyond Sex-Role Sterotypes.
Kirp, Yudof and Franks. Gender Justice.
Luibheid, Eithne. Entry Denied: Controlling Sexuality at the Border.
MacCormack, Carol and Marilyn Strathern. Nature, Culture, and Gender.
MacKay, Anne. Wolf Girls at Vassar.
Moore, C. Lisa. Does Your Mama Know?
Morgen, Sandra. Gender and Anthropology.
Moser, Caroline O.N. Gender Planning and Development.
Nava, Michael and Robert Dawidoff. Created Equal: Why Gay Rights Matter toAmerica .
Ortner, Sherry B. and Harriet Whitehead. Sexual Meanings.
Stone, Sharon Dale. Lesbians inCanada .
Tannen, Deborah. You Just Don’t Understand.
Travis, Carol and Carole Offir. The Longest War.
Van Gelder, Lindsay and Pamela Robin Brandt. The Girls Next Door.
American Ethnologist: Sex Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspectives.
Common Lives/Lesbian Lives (2)
Sexual Violence (SV):
Allen, Charlotte Vale. Daddy’s Girl.
Bateman, Py. Fear into Anger.
Bohmer, Carol and Andrea Parrot. Sexual Assault on Campus.
Butler, Sandra. Conspiracy of Silence: The Trauma of Incest.
Davidson, Terry. Conjugal Crime.
Evans, Patricia. The Verbally Abusive Relationship.
Gil, Eliana. Outgrowing the Pain.
MacCormack, Carol and Marilyn Strathern. Nature, Culture, and Gender.
MacKay, Anne. Wolf Girls at Vassar.
Moore, C. Lisa. Does Your Mama Know?
Morgen, Sandra. Gender and Anthropology.
Moser, Caroline O.N. Gender Planning and Development.
Nava, Michael and Robert Dawidoff. Created Equal: Why Gay Rights Matter to
Ortner, Sherry B. and Harriet Whitehead. Sexual Meanings.
Stone, Sharon Dale. Lesbians in
Tannen, Deborah. You Just Don’t Understand.
Travis, Carol and Carole Offir. The Longest War.
Van Gelder, Lindsay and Pamela Robin Brandt. The Girls Next Door.
American Ethnologist: Sex Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspectives.
Common Lives/Lesbian Lives (2)
Sexual Violence (SV):
Allen, Charlotte Vale. Daddy’s Girl.
Bateman, Py. Fear into Anger.
Bohmer, Carol and Andrea Parrot. Sexual Assault on Campus.
Butler, Sandra. Conspiracy of Silence: The Trauma of Incest.
Davidson, Terry. Conjugal Crime.
Evans, Patricia. The Verbally Abusive Relationship.
Gil, Eliana. Outgrowing the Pain.
Kivel, Paul. Men’s Work: How To Stop the Violence That Tears Our Lives Apart.
Katz,Jackson . The Macho Paradox.
Langley, Roger and Richard C. Levy. Wife Beating.
Lobel, Kerry. Naming the Violence.
Martin , Del. Battered Wives.
McNaron, Toni A. H. and Yarrow Morgan. Voices in the Night.
Meiselman, Karin C. Incest.
Russell, Diana E.H. Dangerous Realtionships.
Schechter, Susan. Women and Male Violence.
Smith, Andrea. Conquest.
Stanko, Elizabeth A. Intimate Instructions.
Sweetman, Caroline. Violence Against Women.
Waters, David R. Physical and Sexual Abuse of Children.
Langley, Roger and Richard C. Levy. Wife Beating.
Lobel, Kerry. Naming the Violence.
McNaron, Toni A. H. and Yarrow Morgan. Voices in the Night.
Meiselman, Karin C. Incest.
Russell, Diana E.H. Dangerous Realtionships.
Schechter, Susan. Women and Male Violence.
Smith, Andrea. Conquest.
Stanko, Elizabeth A. Intimate Instructions.
Sweetman, Caroline. Violence Against Women.
Waters, David R. Physical and Sexual Abuse of Children.
Weiss, Elaine. Surviving Domestic Violence.
Body Image/Disordered Eating (BE):
Bobel, Chris. New Blood: Third-Wave Feminism and the Politics of Menstruation.
Body Image/Disordered Eating (BE):
Bobel, Chris. New Blood: Third-Wave Feminism and the Politics of Menstruation.
Chernin, Kim. The Obssession.
Cole, Johnetta B. All American Women.
Edut, Ophira. Body Outlaws.
Erdman, Cheri. Nothing to Lose.
Fisher, Eliza Beth. Women’s Creations.
Frater, Lara. Fat Chicks Rule!
Melamed, Elissa. Mirror Mirror.
Orenstein, Peggy. Schoolgirls.
Palmer, R.L. Anorexia Nervosa.
Pipher, Mary. Hunger Pains.
Pope, Phillips and Olivardia. The Adonis Complex.
Roth, Geneen. Breaking Free.
Spignesi, Angelyn. Starving Women.
Stinem, Gloria. Revolution from Within.
Wann, Marilyn. Fat!so?
Substance Abuse (SA):
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Alcoholics Anonymous.
Swallow, Jean. Out From Under: Sober Dykes and Our Friends.
Abortion (AB):
Bonavoglia, Angela. The Choice We Made.
Davis, Susan E. Women Under Attack.
Ginsberg, Faye D, Contested Lives.
Kaufmann, K. The Abortion Resource Handbook.
Luker, Kristin. Abortion & the Politics of Motherhood.
Petchesky, Rosalind Pollack. Abortion and Women’s Choice.
Sarvis, Betty and Hyman Rodman. The Abortion Controversy.
Solinger, Rickie. Wake Up Little Susie.
Family (FA):
Bernner, Lois and Stein, Robert. Getting Your Share.
Children’s Defense Fund. The Child Care Handbook.
Edelman, Hope. Motherless Daughters.
Evergreen Legal Services. Getting Your Own Divorce inWashington .
Gordon, Michael. The American Family in Social-Historical Perspectives.
Havermann, Ernest and Lehtinen, Marlene. Marriages and Families.
Kennedy, Michelle. Without a Net.
Kozol, Jonathan. Rachael and Her Children.
Leonard, Linda Schierse. The Wounded Woman.
Lerner, Harriet. The Dance of Anger.
Neumann, Erich. The Great Mother.
Owen, Ursula. Fathers.
Rich, Adrienne. Of Women Born.
Trierre, Lynette and Peacock, Richard. Learning to Leave.
Troskty , Leon . Women and the Family.
Mother Daughter Revolution.
Religion, Spirituality and Legend (SP):
Cooey, Paula M, and Eakin, McDaniel. After Patriarchy.
De Angelis, F.T. The Polytheism of the Bible and the Mystery of Lucifer
Dover , Ana Maria. Behold Thy Mother.
Griffin, Susan. Women and Nature.
Jordan, Rosan A and Susan J. Kalcik. Women’s Folklore, Women’s Culture.
Skog, Susan. Embracing Our Essence.
Zukav, Gary. The Seat of the Soul.
History (HI):
Erdman, Cheri. Nothing to Lose.
Fisher, Eliza Beth. Women’s Creations.
Frater, Lara. Fat Chicks Rule!
Melamed, Elissa. Mirror Mirror.
Orenstein, Peggy. Schoolgirls.
Palmer, R.L. Anorexia Nervosa.
Pipher, Mary. Hunger Pains.
Pope, Phillips and Olivardia. The Adonis Complex.
Roth, Geneen. Breaking Free.
Spignesi, Angelyn. Starving Women.
Stinem, Gloria. Revolution from Within.
Wann, Marilyn. Fat!so?
Substance Abuse (SA):
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Alcoholics Anonymous.
Swallow, Jean. Out From Under: Sober Dykes and Our Friends.
Abortion (AB):
Bonavoglia, Angela. The Choice We Made.
Davis, Susan E. Women Under Attack.
Ginsberg, Faye D, Contested Lives.
Kaufmann, K. The Abortion Resource Handbook.
Luker, Kristin. Abortion & the Politics of Motherhood.
Petchesky, Rosalind Pollack. Abortion and Women’s Choice.
Sarvis, Betty and Hyman Rodman. The Abortion Controversy.
Solinger, Rickie. Wake Up Little Susie.
Family (FA):
Bernner, Lois and Stein, Robert. Getting Your Share.
Children’s Defense Fund. The Child Care Handbook.
Edelman, Hope. Motherless Daughters.
Evergreen Legal Services. Getting Your Own Divorce in
Gordon, Michael. The American Family in Social-Historical Perspectives.
Havermann, Ernest and Lehtinen, Marlene. Marriages and Families.
Kennedy, Michelle. Without a Net.
Kozol, Jonathan. Rachael and Her Children.
Leonard, Linda Schierse. The Wounded Woman.
Lerner, Harriet. The Dance of Anger.
Neumann, Erich. The Great Mother.
Owen, Ursula. Fathers.
Rich, Adrienne. Of Women Born.
Trierre, Lynette and Peacock, Richard. Learning to Leave.
Mother Daughter Revolution.
Religion, Spirituality and Legend (SP):
Cooey, Paula M, and Eakin, McDaniel. After Patriarchy.
De Angelis, F.T. The Polytheism of the Bible and the Mystery of Lucifer
Griffin, Susan. Women and Nature.
Jordan, Rosan A and Susan J. Kalcik. Women’s Folklore, Women’s Culture.
Skog, Susan. Embracing Our Essence.
Zukav, Gary. The Seat of the Soul.
History (HI):
Agosin, Marjorie. Uncertain Travelers: Conversations with Jewish Women Immigrants to America .
Altbach, Edith Hoshino. Women inAmerica .
Anderson, Alan B. Pickering, George W. Confronting the Color Line: The Broken Promice of the Civil Rights Movement inChicago .
Atkinson, Clarissa W and Buchanan, Miles. Imaculate & Powerful: The Female in Sacred Image and Social Reality.
Banks, Olive and A.J. Feminism and Family Planning in VictorianEngland .
Baxandall, Rosalyn and Gordon, Linda.America ’s Working Women.
Bird, Caroline. Enterprising Women.
Bullough Vern L. The Subordinate Sex: A History of Attitudes Towards women.
Coontz, Stephanie and Henderson, Peta. Women’s Work, Men’s Property.
Cott, Nancy F. The Bonds of Womanhood.
Cott, Nancy F. Roots of Bitterness.
Flexner, Eleanor. Century of Struggle (2).
Griffin , Lynne and McCann, Kelly. The Book of Women.
Kingsolver, Barbara. Holding the Line: Women in the GreatArizona Mine Strike of 1983.
Kraditor, Aileen S. The Ideas of the Women Suffrage Movement 1890-1920.
Lebsock, Suzanne. The Free Women ofPetersburg : Status and Culture in a Southern Town, 1784-1860.
Lerner, Gerda. Black Women in WhiteAmerica : A Documentary History.
Lerner, Gerda. The Majority Finds Its Past: Placing Women in History.
Lerner, Gerda. The Women in American History.
Lyle, Jane. A Miscellany of Women’s Wisdom.
Macdonald Anne L. Women and Invention inAmerica .
Matthael Julie A. An Economic History of Women inAmerica .
Norton, Mary Beth.Liberty 's Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women, 1750-1800.
O’Faolan, Julia and Martines, Lauro. Not in God’s Image .
Parker, Gail. The Oven Birds: American Women on Womanhood 1820-1920.
Power, Eileen. Medieval Women.
Rowbotham, Sheila. Hidden From History.
Rowbotham, Sheila. Women, Resistance & Revolution.
Altbach, Edith Hoshino. Women in
Anderson, Alan B. Pickering, George W. Confronting the Color Line: The Broken Promice of the Civil Rights Movement in
Atkinson, Clarissa W and Buchanan, Miles. Imaculate & Powerful: The Female in Sacred Image and Social Reality.
Banks, Olive and A.J. Feminism and Family Planning in Victorian
Baxandall, Rosalyn and Gordon, Linda.
Bird, Caroline. Enterprising Women.
Bullough Vern L. The Subordinate Sex: A History of Attitudes Towards women.
Coontz, Stephanie and Henderson, Peta. Women’s Work, Men’s Property.
Cott, Nancy F. The Bonds of Womanhood.
Cott, Nancy F. Roots of Bitterness.
Flexner, Eleanor. Century of Struggle (2).
Kingsolver, Barbara. Holding the Line: Women in the Great
Kraditor, Aileen S. The Ideas of the Women Suffrage Movement 1890-1920.
Lebsock, Suzanne. The Free Women of
Lerner, Gerda. Black Women in White
Lerner, Gerda. The Majority Finds Its Past: Placing Women in History.
Lerner, Gerda. The Women in American History.
Lyle, Jane. A Miscellany of Women’s Wisdom.
Macdonald Anne L. Women and Invention in
Matthael Julie A. An Economic History of Women in
Norton, Mary Beth.
O’Faolan, Julia and Martines, Lauro. Not in God’s Image .
Parker, Gail. The Oven Birds: American Women on Womanhood 1820-1920.
Power, Eileen. Medieval Women.
Rowbotham, Sheila. Hidden From History.
Rowbotham, Sheila. Women, Resistance & Revolution.
Senier, Siobhan. Voices of American Indian Assimilation and Resistance.
Sherr, Lynn and Kazickas Jurate. The American Woman’s Gazetteer.
Sochen, June. Herstory: A View of American History.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer. The Female Imagination.
Stanton,Elizabeth Cady. Eighty Years & More.
Stein, Gertrude. The Geographical History ofAmerica .
Sherr, Lynn and Kazickas Jurate. The American Woman’s Gazetteer.
Sochen, June. Herstory: A View of American History.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer. The Female Imagination.
Stein, Gertrude. The Geographical History of
Stevens, Doris. Jailed For Freedom: American Women Win the Vote.
Stone, Merlin. Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood.
Stone, Merlin. Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood Volume II.
Stone, Merlin. Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood.
Stone, Merlin. Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood Volume II.
Stephens, Autumn. Wild Words From Wild Women.
Strasser, Susan. Never Done.
Whyte, Martin King. The Status of Women in Preindustrial Societies.
Zimmerman, Jean. Tail Spin: Women at War in the Wake of Tailhook.
Strasser, Susan. Never Done.
Whyte, Martin King. The Status of Women in Preindustrial Societies.
Zimmerman, Jean. Tail Spin: Women at War in the Wake of Tailhook.
Politics(PO ):
Abraham, Laurie Kaye. Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Health Care iin Urban America .
Abramovitz, Mini. Under Attack, Fighting Back: Women and Welfare in the United States .
Aburdene Particia and Naisbitt John. Megatrends for Women.
Beneria, Lourdes and Feldman Shelly. Unequal Burden: Economic Crisis, Persistent Poverty, and Women’s Work.
Braidotti, Rosi and Charkiewicz, Hausler, Wieringa. Women the Environment and Sustainable Development.
Chafe, William H. The American Woman.
Chisolm, Shirley. The Goof Fight.
Deckard, Barbara Sinclair. The Women’s Movement.
Deming, Barbara. Prisons That Could Not Hold: Prison Notes 1964-Seneca 1984.
Ehrenreich, Barbara. Fear of Falling: The Inner Life of the Middle-Class.
Eisler, Riane T. The Equal Rights Handbook.
Feinstein, Dianne and Ferraro, Geraldine. Women in Power: The Secrets of Leadership.
Green, Michael D. The Politics of Indian Removal.
Hosken, Fran P. The Hosken Report: Genital and Sexual Mutilation of Females.
Jensen, Derrick. A Language Older Than Words.
Joseph Gloria I. And Lewis, Jill. Common Differences: Conflicts in Black & White Feminist Perspectives.
Klein Laura F. and Acherman Lillian A. Women and Power in Native North America .
LaRue, L.H. Constutional Law as Fiction.
Miller, James. Democracy in the Streets.
Mitchell, Juliet. Women’s Estate.
Moran, Barbara and Gornick Vivian. Women in Sexist Society.
Morrison, Toni. Race-ing Justice, En-Gendering Power.
Oakley, Ann. Subject Women.
O’Shea Kathleen. Women on the Row: Revelations from Both Sides of the Bars.
Poulantzas, Nicos. Political Power & Social Classes.
Randall, Margaret. Gathering Rage.
Schorr, Lisbeth B. Within Our Reach: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage.
Scott, Joan W. and Kaplan, Keats. Transitions Environments Translations: Feminism in International Politics.
Timothy, Mary. Jury Woman.
Weiler, Kathleen. Women Teaching For Change: Gender, Class, and Power.
Zandy, Janet. What We Hold in Common: An Introduction to Working-Class Studies.
Voices For Change: Future Directions for American Jewish Women.
Who Decides? The Status of Women’s Reproductive Rights in the United States .
Comics/Graphic Novels (CN):
Forney, Ellen. I Love Led-Zeppelin.
Forney, Ellen. Lust.
Rudahl, Sharon. A Dangerous Women: The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman.
Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis .
Reference (RG):
Capek, Ellen S. A Women’s Thesaurus.
DiMona, Lisa and Herndon Constance. Women’s Sourcebook.
Kramarae, Cheris and Treichler Paula A. A Feminist Dictionary.
Olsen, Frances E. Feminist Legal Theory II: Positioning Feminist Theory Within the Law
Weiser, Marjorie P.K. and Arbeiter Jean S. Womanlist (2).
Webster’s New World Dictonary and Thesaurus.
The American Heritage Dictionary.
Better then Chocolate.
The Business of Being Born.
Easy A.
Erin Brokovich.Frida.
Fluid: Women Redefining Sexuality.
For Colored Girls.
Herstory of Porn.
Iron Jawed Angles.
If These Walls Could Talk.
A League of Their Own.
Better then Chocolate.
The Business of Being Born.
Easy A.
Erin Brokovich.Frida.
Fluid: Women Redefining Sexuality.
For Colored Girls.
Herstory of Porn.
Iron Jawed Angles.
If These Walls Could Talk.
A League of Their Own.