The WRC boast probably the coolest selection of zines anywhere in Olympia. Zines are a small circulation, non-commerical publications of original or appropriated texts and images. Zines are often distrubited through secondary circuits such as: trade, zine symposia, record stores, concerts, independet media outlets, mailings or zine "distros". Zines are a quick and creative way to spread information, and can range in a wide variey of topics. The zines are the WRC are available for check-out, just please bring 'em back!
Breaking Old Patterns, Weaving New Ties: Alliance Building
Survivor: A Zine Addressing Sexual Violence in Our Lives & Communities & How We Survive
So You Want to be an Ally! A Zine on Anti-Oppression, Allyship, and Becoming a Less Shitty Person
University of Idaho Women's Center Zine
Babes Talking Network
Suppressed Histories Slide Series: Maz Dashu Presents Global Women's History
2010 Survivor's Zine
The Siren: Feminist Magazine of the University of Oregon
Body Positivity/Gender/Sexuality
Fat Girl: Breaking Down
I Like It Thick
Figure 8
Fat Chance
I am the Scientist
Who You Callin' a Lady? Criticisms and Affirmations of the "March for Women's Lives"
The Olympia Sex Conference Zine
Piece of Self: Anarchy, Gender, and Other Thoughts
Beautiful Agony
The Assassin & the Whiner
About A Tie
Boys Are Evil
Aaaaghh Sploot! Mmm! Oh Yeah!
Beautiful Night
Hanging Out At the Billionaire's Club
Invincible Summer #6 /Clutch #11
Evergreen Zines
The Ovarian (From 2005-2011)
Disorientation Manual: A Student Created Guide to the Evergreen Experience
Women's Word: A Publication For and by Evergreen Women
C(i)A: Cunts in Action and Friends
ASTESC: Associated Students of the Evergreen State College
Women of Color Film Festival 2004
The Beet: TESC Women Speak in Celebration of Women's History Month
Fantastic Fanzine #6
The Greatest Poet
Black Shoes #1: Literature and Art Magazine
Leapfroa: Bike Zine
Bitchfield: Issue #20: October 1996: Teenage Indie Pop Queer Punk Riot Grrrl Fun
Red Means Go
The Ante-Collective Collective
Paris: May 1968
Revolutionary Ecology: Biocentrism & Deep Ecology
The Anarchist Revolution
Anarchist Prisoner: PenPal Program
The New Radicals in the Multiversity: Volume I: Parts 1 & 2 (1966-1967)
Death of a Small Planet
I've Been Thinking About Control, and I Don't Know Where to Begin
Vegan Food on Paper Plates
3/4 Utopia
Indwilog: A Green Anarchist Creation Myth and Fable
War On the Coast
Disorderly Conduct...'Cause Civilization's Gotta Go!
Revolt 10
Womyn's Health/Menstruation/Herbs
Free to Choose: A guide to Reproductive Freedom
The Yeast of Your Worries! A Yeast Infection Survival Handbook
The Wonderful World of Menstrual Cups
Diary of my Mad Man: How Herbs Cured Madison's Cancer
Jane: Documents from Chicago's Clandestine Abortion Service 1968-1973
The Transgenger Herb Garden: An MtF Guide to Disconnecting One's Self From Big Pharma
The Acadamy of the Dead
Deasophy: Goddess Wisdom
Reclaiming Our Ancient Wisdom: Herbal Abortion Procedure and Practice for Midwives and Herbalists
ERC: Enviromental Resource Center: Community of our Biosphere
Herbal Birth Control: A Brief History with Acient and Modern Herbal Recipes
Edible and Medicinal Plants Native to the Evergreen Woods
Fact Sheet- Bloodborne Pathogens